International Microwave Biomedical Conference
The IMBioC 2024 conference was a success and we wish to thank all the participants for their presentations and lively discussions. Please check the website for photographs taken during the conference by following the link HERE. It will be gradually updated.
Finally, if you require a letter confirming your attendance for reimbursement purposes, please contact the General Chair, Milica Popović, milica.popovich@mcgill.ca , indicating in the subject of email, “IMBioC 2024 confirmation of participation/attendance request”.
Again, many thanks to everyone for their contributions and we hope to see you at IMBioC 2025!

Montreal, Canada
11-13 June

Paper Submission Deadline:
March 4, 2024

General Information
The world is recovering from the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus and we are all getting used to the new normal. To preserve the safety of all, the 2024 International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC 2024) Steering Committee advises all participants to follow general regulations and advice concerning distancing, hygiene, and wearing mouth masks.
The IMBioC 2024 is scheduled for June 11-13, in Montreal, a vibrant and diverse Canadian city known for its rich cultural tapestry, bilingualism (French and English), stunning architecture, delicious culinary scene, lively festivals, and a blend of European and North American influences. IMBioC is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on state-of-the-art research in microwave and RF theory and techniques that bridge the science and engineering gap as applied to biological systems. During the conference, workshops and special sessions including Young Professionals (YP) and Women in Microwave (WiM) events will be organized, while an exhibition will be held simultaneously.
Scope of the conference
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- RF/microwave/THz circuits and systems for biomedical applications
- Antennas and propagation for biomedical applications
- Bio-Electromagnetics
- Electromagnetic imaging and magnetic resonance imaging
- Radar and radio sensor applications for biomedical applications
- Wireless power transfer and wireless communication technologies for biomedical applications
- Wearable and bio-implantable antennas and wireless devices
- Interaction of electromagnetic fields with biological materials at the tissue, cellular and molecular levels
- Pathological, physiological, and biochemical studies with electromagnetic waves
- Electromagnetic safety studies and regulatory compliance
- Electromagnetic compatibility and interference for biomedical applications
- Internet of Things (IoTs) for biomedical applications
- Body Sensor Network and body-centric communications
There will be a special issue in the IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology (J-ERM) for the extended papers presented in the 2024 IMBioC. Please check the call for paper here or at http://ieee-jerm.org.